Sample Experiments
Here is a list of the experiments you can do with the quED and its add-ons.
Single Photon Experiments without Interference
- Particle Nature of Photons
- Quantum Cryptography/QKD: BB84 Protocol
- Tomographic Single Photon State Reconstruction
- Quantum Random Number Generation
Single Photon Experiments with Interference
- Wave Nature of Photons: Single Photon Michelson Interferometer
- Quantum Eraser
- Wave-Particle Dualism: Michelson + HBT
- Double Michelson Interferometer
- Visible (White) Light Interference (Observable by Eye)
- Measurement of the Central Wavelength of Single Photons
- Measurement of Coherence Length of Single Photons
- Interaction-Free Measurement (Bomb Test)
Photon Pair Experiments with Polarisation Entanglement
- Violation of Bell’s Inequality (CHSH)
- “Non-Classical” Polarisation Correlations
- Tomographic State Reconstruction of an Entangled Photon State
- Quantum Cryptography/QKD: BBM Protocol
- Quantum Cryptography: Ekert Protocol
Photon Pair Experiments without Polarisation Entanglement
- Hong-Ou-Mandel 2-Photon Interference
- Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference + Hanbury Brown & Twiss
- Franson Interference
These are the experiments we have come up with so far and found interesting enough to put them here. Do you have more ideas? Please let us know!