Quantum Physics Education & Science Kits
The brand new quEDU is a science kit with single photon detectors and time tagging electronics. Multiple experiment boards can be connected. You can create entangled photon pairs and manipulate electron spin.
quEDU – Quantum Education Kit
quEDU can be connected to the following experiment boards: |
NV – Nitrogen Vacancy Centers
ED – Entanglement Demonstrator
quEDU-ED’s Add-Ons: |
ED-MI – Michelson Interferometer
ED-HOM – Hong-Ou-Mandel
ED-TOM – Tomography
BB – Brick Board
The Quantenkoffer is a portable and user-friendly quantum photonics laboratory for a multitude of experiments from 100 years of quantum physics.
Quantenkoffer – Quantum Science Suitcase
The quED design combines the latest achievements in quantum optics technology into an easy-to-use system for academic, research and applied purposes with precise accuracy.
The quEDU with the experiment board ED is the successor of the quED.
quED – Entanglement Demonstrator
The quNV is the predecessor of the quEDU with the quEDU-NV board.
quNV – NV Center Sensing
Interferometric Displacement Measurement
quDIS – Interferometer
Time-Tagger & Time-to-Digital Converter
quTAG HR – High Resolution
quTAG MC – Multi Channel
quTAG – standard
The first time tagger of quTools:
quTAU – Time Tagger