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DPG meetings in Berlin and Erlangen – quRace statistics

Last month at the DPG meetings in Erlangen and Berlin, our quTAG measured the time of the laps in our Slot Car race. In total, we had 5140 laps from 248 players – we had a lot of fun and I hope you had as well! Congratulations to “Martin H.” […]

Laser – World of Photonics – quRace statistics

At the Laser – World of Photonics 2017 in Munich, we had a slot car race game which we called “quRace”. Our quTAG was used to determine the lap time with ps precision – a bit of an overkill, but fun to see. Here are some statistics about the race: […]

Armadillos on the 13th floor

Electrons in van der Waals materials use shortcuts to travel fast People just love protons. On the other hand side: If they talk about electrons, they always tend to emphasize the negative aspects. Though there are some advantages being an electron, too. As scientists at the KU’s Ultrafast Laser Lab […]

Hydrogen? It’s a metal, Jim!

If hydrogen could be made into a metal, wonderful things could happen! Unicorns would dance in our streets, we could settle on Alpha Centauri, lions would turn to vegetarians and John Lennon would be president. But let’s not get over excited and better start at the fundamentals. Our periodic table […]

Sensation: Physicists manipulate nothing!

It’s exactly as some strange esoteric websites have told you for decades: Quantum physicists manipulate nothing. This is the case NOT because there are no quantum objects, but because there is no nothing. Literally. We cannot produce a perfect vacuum. And that’s not because our pumps or our containers aren’t strong […]

The very cool drum

Quantum physics tends to look like “magic”. This is one reason why it’s so quool. Cool, actually. Very cool. Very, very cool. “As-cool-as-it-can-get”-cool. Like in “absolute zero”. Which is really cool, because enthalpy and entropy reaches zero. No temperature at all, meaning no energy, no movement. We know about this […]

Gravitational buzz waves

Yesterday the news travelled around the world, faster than light: Finally the gravitational waves have been detected! And one day later you will find hundreds of articles and videos explaining what the buzz is about. But the best source maybe the website of LIGO itself, which you can find here. This article […]