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Why is there „something“?

Maybe we are a little step further to explain why there is „something“ rather than „nothing“. Because the Standard model of physics – which worked quite well to describe the universe so far – tells us that there should be: (dramatic pause) Nothing at all. First there was just plain […]

Hydrogen? It’s a metal, Jim!

If hydrogen could be made into a metal, wonderful things could happen! Unicorns would dance in our streets, we could settle on Alpha Centauri, lions would turn to vegetarians and John Lennon would be president. But let’s not get over excited and better start at the fundamentals. Our periodic table […]

Sensation: Physicists manipulate nothing!

It’s exactly as some strange esoteric websites have told you for decades: Quantum physicists manipulate nothing. This is the case NOT because there are no quantum objects, but because there is no nothing. Literally. We cannot produce a perfect vacuum. And that’s not because our pumps or our containers aren’t strong […]

The very cool drum

Quantum physics tends to look like “magic”. This is one reason why it’s so quool. Cool, actually. Very cool. Very, very cool. “As-cool-as-it-can-get”-cool. Like in “absolute zero”. Which is really cool, because enthalpy and entropy reaches zero. No temperature at all, meaning no energy, no movement. We know about this […]

Happy birthday, Star Trek!

Are we a little late to the party? Sorry, must have been the Romulan Ale we had at the 8th of September, when „Star Trek“ turned 50. Half a century ago James Tiberius Kirk sat down on his command chair for the first time on television. Nowadays „Star Trek“ is […]

From Delft’s quantum lab

This little video was made by Hannes Bernien from the Delft University of Technology. If you were curious what the workplace of a quantum physicist looks like: Here you can have a glimpse. So much up front: It’s underground, it’s dark and it makes no sense to normal human beings. […]

Beaming can kill you!

  An nerd fight rages over at YouTube. The clever explain-it-alls at C.P. Grey started it. In a charming video they explain, why teleportation as seen on television – in all Star Trek franchises, to be exact – can not work as advertised. Discussed not only on a scientific base, […]

Brian Cox explains quantum mechanics

This is Brian Cox explaining quantum mechanics in under a minute. Sure, that’s a start. But it’s a little more than that. Let’s quote Richard Feynman -famous for saying “Whoever says he understands quantum mechanics, doesn’t”. What he meant was: “The difficulty really is psychological and exists in the perpetual […]

The Queen of Sh*tty Robots

Last week we watched a very advanced robot from Boston Mechanics. Built by money of DARPA, btw. This time we meet the brain behind some robots that are a little over the top. But, to be honest, are more likely to reflect my experiences so far. Many of Simone Giertz’ […]

Spooky Action At A Distance

In his book “Spooky Action at a distance” George Musser does a good job in explaining quantum physics. And he continues to do so on his website In his latest article he explains “How Are Entangled Particles Created“. And this video helps a lot in doing so: And don’t […]